How does a typical Sunday look?
Every Sunday we run two services back-to-back at 9:30am and 11.30am. Both services are about 90 minutes in length.
At, we have a joint time of fellowship over brunch/refreshments. If you are planning to attend the second service, be sure to get there early for this before the service starts!
Services typically begin with a warm welcome from the front, then one of our music teams leads the church in sung worship. Song lyrics are projected onto the screen at the front so you can sing along and/or engage with worship however you feel most comfortable.
After the music portion of the service ends, one of our preachers will share an encouraging and hope-filled message about Jesus. (Children's groups will be announced at this point during service one.)
What is the atmosphere like at Jubilee?
Sundays at Jubilee are casual and relaxed. Come as you are and expect to feel welcomed as a guest!
What about my kids?
Our first service at 9.30am has programming for children of all ages, including a tots group and fortnightly sessions for youth (secondary school age). The children stay in for the first part of the service and are taken out by their leaders before the preach. Head to our kids+tots page for more info.

There is plenty of roadside parking outside our building on Ramilies Road and streets parallel.